The All India Game Developers' Forum (AIGDF) is a not-for-profit collective representing the interests of Indian game developers.. The Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi has expressed his vision for the Indian digital gaming sector to be a world leader, introducing games based on Indian mythology on a global platform. Further, under the 2022 Union Budget, the Hon’ble Finance Minister, Government of India, Nirmala Sitharaman had announced an Animation, Visual effects, Gaming, and Comics (AVGC) promotion task force, with a mandate to tap on the AVGC sector’s potential to employ youth in the country and build domestic capacity for serving the Indian markets as well as the global demand.

AIGDF is committed to working with various stakeholders to ensure greater representation of Indian game developers as a key stakeholder of the AVGC sector. AIGDF endeavours to be an active contributor in shaping centres of excellence, technology labs and hubs, and dedicated coursework for game development. It also aims to be active in creating a healthy ecosystem of game developers.
We welcome all stakeholders in game development to be a part of AIGDF’s mission.
Joining AIGDF opens doors to exclusive industry representation services, active participation in policy advocacy and stakeholder engagements.

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